2024 Schedule

All classes are beginner accessible.

click for most current schedule


Dance Improv

Blake will lead a 1 hour contactless improvisation class where dancers have the agency to do as much or as little as they would like. Blake will be in socks but if you prefer sneakers or barefeet make sure they are clean!

Blake Worthey

Mingle and Mocktails

Class description coming soon.


DJ Girlfriend

DJ Girlfriend

Class description coming soon.

Saturday (AM)


Class description coming soon.

Erin Irizarry

Motion is Lotion

A vibrant and calming class with a focus on breath, body awareness, and a unique blend of stretches and mat-based movement. Bring a mat and optional towel, blanket, pillow, or eye pillow.

Claudia Smith

Movement that soothes

Adult Jazz & Choreo

Olivia teaches an upbeat jazz inspired movement class to get your blood pumping and your endorphins flowing. This class will start with a full body warm up, then lead in to simple, fun choreography and end with a calming cool down and stretch. Leave with your body and soul refreshed from moving and grooving with our incredible local community.

Olivia Cooper

Movement Class

Movement Class uses engaging and interactive partner games designed to challenge your coordination, locomotion and mobility. Explore dynamic and intricate movement patterns inspired by capoeira, gymnastics and dance, providing a stimulating challenge for your body and your brain.

Philip Shepherd

Rolling on the Mountain

Join us for an exhilarating morning of skating fun where Clem Skates, the leader of Arkansas Roller Skate Crew, will be offering beginner to intermediate skate lessons. Whether you're a newcomer to the world of skating or looking to polish your skills, this event is perfect for you. Clem will guide participants through the fundamentals of skating, while also incorporating dance moves and tricks to take your skills to the next level. We have limited rental skates available in sizes 5-11, but we encourage you to bring your own pair of wheels and safety gear if you have them. Don't miss out on this opportunity to glide and groove with us!

Clementine Simpson

Jazz Dance

Join Mycayla for a sassy jazz experience sure to unlock your inner diva and bring fun to the word "exercise". This class is beginner-intermediate level, designed for dancers of no experience to be challenged and for those returning to the dance world to be reminded of a glamorous past time. This is a contactless class with no technical skills required. It's just dancing to move and groove! Clothing that you can move freely in is recommended as well as athletic shoes. Jazz shoes are not required, but can be a great tool!

Mycayla Sawyer

Contemporary Hip-Hop

Cece’s contemporary hip hop fusion class blends the flow and freedom of contemporary with the groove and heartbeat of hip hop. Cece's classes are grounded in 2 concepts:

1. self expression is sacred

2. dance is for healing

She curates an environment that cultivates a deep sense of community and vulnerability. Students are invited to listen and move from their intuition, while supporting each individual in the room. Expect to feel seen, and expect for your soul to feel full.

Cece Marie

Flourished Flow

Join Lara for a hatha style mandala flow class, with a focus on moving and strengthening. Mandala is the Sanskrit word for "circle" and represents a repetitive pattern to aid in meditation. In this session, students will recreate the circle pattern on their mat using dynamic sequencing. Suitable for all levels, this class will be a playful exploration of traditional yoga postures with options for students who want to build on their current practice.

Lara Cato

Bird Watching

(90 min)

If you're looking for a way to enjoy a few quiet moments in nature, grab your water bottle and a pair of sturdy shoes to explore the birds that call northwest Arkansas home during the summer with Wild Birds Unlimited's Education Director, Lauren Eno. Whether it's seeing fledgling birds learning to forage, or trying to spot your backyard favorites, "Explorin with Lauren" is a great way for both beginner and more established bird-watchers alike to catch a glimpse of some of our feathered friends in their natural habitat. In addition to that, you'll pick up tips to make your backyard oasis a more bird-friendly place!

Lauren Eno

Contemporary Practices in Dance

Heidee will lead an hour-long, open-level exploration of contemporary dance including floor work and partnering. Long sleeves and pants are strongly advised.

Heidee Alsdorf

Urban Hip-Hop

Class description coming soon.

Todd Belin

Space to Explore

This intricately designed vinyasa flow will take you through the inner landscapes of your body allowing you space to savor the joys of moving slowly.

In this flow we will practice creating an in-depth conversation between our body and our breath, as we move with our gaze inward and our minds open with curiosity.

Many of us live our lives thrusting ourselves forward… chasing the highest of highs, and so on. These busy lives can complicated and messy, leaving us disconnected from our bodies. Moving slowly with intention offers us not only the opportunity to anchor ourselves in the present but also to feel every moment completely.

Chris Morehead

Saturday (PM)


Na'Tosha De'Von will be teaching a Choreo-poetry workshop class. We will embark on merging the beauty of heighten text through writing and exploring how it lives within our physical movement.

Natosha DeVon

Gaga / People

Maree ReMalia

The Gaga movement language originated from the belief in the healing, dynamic, ever-changing power of movement. Choreographer, Ohad Naharin, developed Gaga over the course of many years and it is now applied in the daily practice of Israel’s Batsheva Dance Company. Gaga / people classes offer a framework for users to connect to their bodies and imaginations, experience physical sensations, improve their flexibility and stamina, exercise their agility and explosive power, and enjoy the pleasure of movement in a welcoming, accepting atmosphere. Throughout the class, participants are guided by a series of evocative instructions to increase awareness of and further amplify sensation. Rather than turning from one prompt to another, information is layered, building into a multisensory, physically challenging experience. While many instructions are imbued with rich imagery, the research of Gaga is fundamentally physical, insisting on a specific process of embodiment. Inside this shared research, the improvisational nature of the exploration enables each participant’s deeply personal connection with Gaga.

Gaga/people classes run approximately 1-hour and are open to people ages 16+, no previous experience necessary. Wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement; layers recommended. To create a less self conscious environment, class is conducted without mirrors and observers are not permitted.

Rhythm of Salsa

The class will be a Latin musicality class as participants will be guided to discover the overlap of the rhythm of the music with the rhythm of the body. Participants will be guided to not just learn to hear the counts, but to feel them, too, helping each mover to become a more fluid and versatile dancer. Expect to also learn various rhythms, tempo, phrases, and breaks.

Michael and Melody

Urban Yoga

Join Jasmine, from ELXR Yoga Lounge (EYL), for a rejuvenating and beginner-friendly yoga experience. Jasmine will hold space to connect you to your body in a fun and dynamic way. This class is designed to help you meet yourself on all levels - mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, in a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. You will flow through gentle poses, breathwork, and mindful movement to foster inner harmony. You can also expect dope tunes, in tradition with the EYL way.

Jasmine Canady-Hartman


Join Lela for a butoh and Noguchi Taiso experience that will incorporate nature, psychology, relaxation, movement adaptability, and self discovery. Butoh is an artform created by Tatsumi Hijakata in Japan in the 1960’s-1980’s. Elements of Hijakata’s methodology continue to move through his living dancers and their students. Noguchi Taiso was created by Michizo Noguchi in the same time span and is often incorporated with butoh technique. Noguchi Taiso is an exercise technique that emphasizes less-is-more, focusing on water in the body and its relationship to gravity.

Lela Besom

Gong Song

90 min

Join Jamie as she guides you to an eternal place with sounds of Gongs, Himalayan Singing Bowls, Bells and more. This journey will begin with deep breathing and centering. You will navigate on a deep healing journey as the sounds and vibrations of these instruments surround and infuse through your being.

Bring a favorite soft mat, pillow and blanket—anything you'd like to facilitate a comfortable and sacred lying down experience.

Jamie Leigh White

Breathwork + Ice Bath

(75 min)

This 75 min class will transformative class will begin at 445 in Millar Hall!

Come experience the benefits of Breathwork & Cold Exposure with Justin Tiernes, founder of True Self Health. Participants will dive into a dynamic breathwork, learn about the positive effects of ice-baths, and then take a community empowering cold dip! 

Each moment is crafted to foster connection, community, and personal growth.  Don't forget to bring a towel, swim suit, and positive vibes! We promise you will leave this session feeling invigorated, empowered, and holding a deeper connection to self.

Justin Tiernes


Information coming soon.


Sensual Yoga

Sensual yoga is a embodied form of yoga that emphasizes one's attunement to the environment by using all five senses while also connecting with breath, sound and movement. The movement is slow, rhythmic, and intuitive. Our intention is to focus more on the sacral chakra -our energetic seat of creative potential and pleasure. Unlike traditional yoga where we move the body through linear planes this practice is nonlinear, moving in circles, waves, and spirals. This practice has its lineages in vinyasa yoga, kundalini, dance, and Qigong. Free expression and intuitive movement are encouraged and celebrated. Let us love the bodies we live in and open ourselves to more pleasure.

This class is available to all bodies whether this is your first movement class, or you are a seasoned mover. You will need a yoga mat and or a blanket and a playful spirit.

Tonia Squires

Latin Social

Class description coming soon.

Raza Dance Studio


Forest Bathing

(90 min)

Emmie Brenzel

Celebrate summertime magic on the mountaintop with an early morning forest adventure. “Forest Bathing” or ShinrinYoku, is an evidence based holistic practice which uses immersion in nature to promote health and wellness. Class participants will learn the history of “forest medicine” and discover it’s health benefits through a guided Forest Therapy Walk. This experiential class will provide opportunities for slow movements in nature, deep listening, and close observation, with optional discussion and group sharing. Certified Forest Therapy Guide Emmie Brenzel will facilitate this outdoor class which concludes with a closing Tea Ceremony. Participants are encouraged to dress for the weather.

Sensual Movement

Inspired by the Diva Dive’s signature class -- Down and Dirty Floorwork-- but without the pole. Sally will begin with a full body warm up to discover the muscles we need to articulate these deep movements. Participants will flow through challenging exercises and focus on floorwork while also opening our bodies and minds to visualize and accept ourselves as sexual beings. Come ready to sweat, play, and feel sexy. Leggings and knee pads are recommended but not required.

Sydney Wingo


Class description coming soon.

Shelby Ragsdale


The DANCECULTure mission is to create a community where members experience joy through movement. We celebrate the sacred beauty of expression, both individually and as a community. No Dance "knowledge" required. Just be yourself!

DANCECULTure runs every Sunday morning from 10am-1pm (pop in at your convenience) in Sequoyah Hall at Mount Sequoyah. Admission is always free, yet a donation to support DANCECULTure is welcome and appreciated!

We have a few simple rules - respect others, the space and yourself. We value our members and hope you find community with us.

Follow us on facebook for more DANCECULTure opportunities.


All Levels Flow

A fun feel good flow focused on properly aligning your body and connecting breath with movement. This will be a calming flow for the mind to enhance relaxation and stress relief. All levels are welcome.

Chrissy Dennis

Cardio Groove

Cardio Groove with Kathy incorporates Hip Hop, Dancehall, Latin, Soca and Popular music with strength training for an awesome total body workout.

At Kultured Cardio Fitness LLC, our mission is to encourage everyone to find their fit. Find what you love to do and do it consistently. Ours is Dance Fitness. We know if you find something you love to do, you are more likely to stick with it and be successful.

We are shifting the mindset in our communities by helping people make health and wellness a priority. We are showing our students that the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, can be fun, rewarding, and empowering.

Kathy Johnson


Class description coming soon.

Anne Christiana

From the Body to the Page

Julia Paganelli Marín

The page is a place to explore, ask questions, and find refuge. It is, in essence, a body. In this generative writing workshop, we’ll integrate what we’ve learned over the course of the Fayetteville Movement Festival to bring back to our daily lives. Whether you’re writing poetry for the first time or the hundredth, this class is for you. Bring a journal or paper and a pen—we’ll have some extras, too.

This class is taught by Julia Paganelli Marín, the Creator and Director of Bee Balm Arkansas. Learn more about writing and writing community opportunities in Northwest Arkansas by signing up for our newsletter on beebalmarkansas.com or by following us on Instagram.

A Creative Writing Workshop

Latin Dance

Claudia Aguilar

Class description coming soon.

Yin + SloFlow

Ashleigh Rose Humphrey
Mashup for the Heart / Small Intestine Meridians

Join Ashleigh for a Yin Yoga + SloFlow mash up, intended to create healthy flow through heart & small intestine meridian lines which run through the arms, heart, chest, and throat.

Perfect for closing out the weekend, this thoughtful practice will start & end with Yin Yoga postures, and build to a SloFlow practice during the middle. Though the Yin Yoga postures are more passive in nature, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re “easy”. This blended class will include both “sensational” Yin Yoga postures as well as some of the more passive, restful Yin Yoga postures. We’ll turn up the speed gradually throughout our practice, finding our way through a few rounds of feel-good SloFlow with continued focus on the heart space during the middle of class.

This practice will be themed around opening a few specific meridian lines (energy lines, according to traditional Chinese medicine) of the body. Similar to acupressure, through long holds of postures, we’ll work to open the lines of the heart & small intestine, both of which are used to help create balance during the season of Summer. Leave your practice feeling aware of the emotions of your heart, available for connection with others, and more open generally across the arms, chest, and throat regions.